Saturday, April 9, 2011

Posan Beri Harga Mahal Lagu untuk Superplus

JAKARTA- Sudah banyak band yang mendapat ‘sentuhan’ tangan dingin Posan melalui karya lagu. Superplus Band ‘korban’ berikutnya.

Posan yang kini banyak mendapatkan mandat dari produser Nagaswara, Rahayu Kertawiguna, untuk menyumbangkan karya lagu-lagu terbaiknya untuk para artis musisi dibawah naungan Nagaswara.

“Ada T2, Helmalia Putri, dan sekarang ini Superplus,” kata Posan kepada Okezone, Sabtu (9/4/2011).

Lagu yang dibuat Posan untuk Superplus, band asal Bogor yang di isi oleh Adrindia (vokal), Aiez (bass), Rizal (gitar), dan Riant (drum), berjudul Pikirkan.

“Lagunya sih ceritanya cewek yang masih suka sama cowok, tapi cowoknya ngeselin,’gak puas apa sudah disayang tapi bikin kesel.’ Gue bikin lagunya ringan seperti permintaan sang produser,” tutur Posan.

Kira-kira berapa sih kocek yang harus dirogoh Pak Rahayu untuk satu lagu bikinan Posan?

“Wah lumayan dia (Pak Rahayu) berani ngasih harga mahal. Pokoknya Pak Rahayu itu orangnya seru,” tutupnya.(tom)

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Cuma Justin Bieber yang Boleh Protes Sm#sh

TANGERANG - Sm#sh tak takut mendapat protes karena dianggap meniru Sm*sh. Sebab, bagi Sm#sh, hanya Justin Bieber yang boleh memprotes mereka.

"Kalau mau ada yang protes, silakan saja. Kita orangnya demokratis. Selama ini, tidak ada protes. Justru pihak Sm*sh yang diparodikan berterima kasih sama kita. Sebab, secara tidak langsung terbantu untuk publikasi," ujar personel Sm#sh Andre Taulany di Panti Asuhan Yayasan Bahrul Ulum, Pondok Aren, Tangerang, Jumat (18/3/2011).

Grup yang terdiri atas Sule, Parto, Andre, Adul, Azis Gagap, Opick Kumis dan Nunung itu siap menerima tuntutan jika ada pihak yang tidak suka dengan mereka. Tapi, karena diawaki sejumlah komedian, banyak orang yang maklum dengan tingkah lucu mereka.

"Kalau ada yang mau menuntut, silakan. Kita beda sekali dengan Sm*sh. Malah kalau lihat dari awal, kita lebih mirip sama Justin Bieber lho. Jadi kalau mau, Justin Bieber yang menuntut Sm#sh," seloroh Sule.

Pemilik lagu Cenat-Cenat itu menegaskan, kehadiran mereka murni untuk lucu-lucuan, tapi dikerjakan dengan serius. Mulai dari lagu, video klip hingga aksi panggung yang kocak.

"Bisa dikatakan kita itu serba spontan. Saat menyanyi, kita belum tahu akan seperti apa. Untuk lagu sudah dikonsep, bahkan koreografinya juga. Tapi ya kita komedian, jadinya kayak begitu, banyak lucu-lucuannya," kata Parto (ang)

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Motivation at Work

Eleanor Chin, MAPP '08, is a life and executive coach. Founder and President of Clarity Partners Coaching and Consulting, she works with institutional and individual clients to support them as they navigate change, create inclusive and dynamic systems, and leverage strategic strengths for growth, learning and competitive advantage. Full bio

                Eleanor writes on the 4th of each month, and her articles are here.

The $10,000,000 question that leaders ask most is “How can we motivate people?” Let’s reframe the question to reflect what can be done for others, “How can we create an environment that enables people to motivate themselves?
A client of mine has an interesting work dilemma. This client—we’ll call him Sam—has a great rapport with his boss, Jason. Jason is a prolific idea person who supports Sam by assigning him new projects on a regular basis. So what’s Sam’s problem? None of the ideas interest him. Fever Thermometer Although he works on them dutifully, he feels disloyal for not appreciating them. He feels like he’s being a good soldier, but not much else. Sam’s complaint is that he’s uninspired and finds himself watching the clock so he can go home. He knows he could be doing better work. Sam has the performance equivalent of a low-grade fever—not sick enough for medication, but not well enough to sprint.

While Sam has many of the ingredients to feel fulfilled in his job, he is lacking self-motivation, the same quality I’ve described in my past three columns on autonomy-supportive parenting (1, 2, 3). In my professional life, I often work with executives and businesses to fine tune their work culture. Autonomy support is a critical tool for leaders to instill self-motivation in the workplace, just as it is for parents to instill self-determination in children.

Brain gears Now let’s focus on intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation, doing work for its own sake is more sustainable, leads to greater job satisfaction, more engagement and even better, greater levels of physical and mental health than extrinsic motivation based on tangible rewards initiated by others. Our natural drive for autonomy leads to intrinsic motivation. The good news is that autonomy develops within us from childhood, like the ability to walk on our own, unless stifled.

What Factors Enhance Motivation?

Motivation Building Blocks
Motivation Building BlocksChoice and experiences of competence are external factors that enhance feelings of autonomy. If Jason wants Sam to go beyond “meets expectations” to reach heights that Jason himself has not imagined, he needs to balance the necessary drudgery and externally controlled aspects, like deadlines and budgets, with some autonomous aspects that give Sam choice.Jason can start with these steps:
  1. Involve Sam in brainstorming early in the idea stage
  2. Help Sam discover something that he finds exciting about the project
  3. Clarify the goals and leave the means of accomplishing them up to Sam
  4. Create landmarks together so that Sam can feel a sense of accomplishment, success, and competence along the way
Now let’s talk about external rewards. What do you think might work better—positive feedback or a bonus? Okay, it’s a trick question. Based on extensive analysis of hundreds of studies on external rewards, renowned motivation researcher Edward Deci and colleagues found that positive feedback is more motivating–provided it is specific, given within a conversation (rather than on the fly), and based on describing and uncovering the behavior that produced the success. This type of focused positive attention from Jason encourages a sense of competence and learning, helping Sam see how his efforts contributed to successful outcomes.

What Factors Tend to Demotivate?

Negative feedback can diminish both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation at work, according to motivation researchers Gagne and Deci. This suggests that the perennial stand-by for employee development, the performance evaluation, needs to include healthy doses of positive feedback surrounding any discussion of “challenges.” Talking about challenges is a good opportunity to invite the employee’s input on overcoming them. Peak-end theory also suggests that it’s best to end meetings on a positive note. I often suggest the “sandwich” method to my clients—start and end the conversation with genuinely positive feedback.

Floating MoneySo what about money as a motivator? In the case of bonuses, it depends. Deci found that bonuses given on a contingency basis—for example, for completing a task or reaching a specific goal—can actually demotivate, unless they are unexpected and/or accompanied by loads of peer support. We’re not saying here that decent salaries and monetary bonuses aren’t welcome or appreciated. It’s just that the positive feelings they cause are short-lived.

Discontent about money can also be a red herring in the workplace. Often, when intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction are missing, employees will focus on compensation and other tangible replacements. But why make it an either/or question? Competitive wages and bonuses can either motivate or demotivate. In tight financial times, why not use the science of motivation to get the most value from those dollars?

What is Autonomy Supportive Leadership?

In summary, autonomy-supported leaders create the environment that fosters choice, giving people opportunities for success and for developing feelings of competence. According to science, self-motivation thrives in the medium of choice.

Keys to SuccessHow do we build choice into jobs? Helping employees recraft their jobs around reaching specified goals by exercising their strengths, passions and skills is likely to result in more engagement and a better outcome for everyone. Employees are more energized when their actions emanate from choice rather than external control. The vitality that comes from caring about the work itself and relationships with colleagues can be, as they say, priceless.


Berg, J., Dutton, J. & Wrzesniewski, A. (2008). Job Crafting Exercise.

Deci, E.L. & Flaste, R. (1995). Why we do what we do: Understanding self-motivation. New York: Penguin Books.

Deci, E.L. & Ryan, R. (2008). Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development and health. Canadian Psychology, 49 (3), 182-185. (For personal use).

Deci. E. L.& Ryan, R. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development and well-being, American Psychologist. (For personal use).

Gagné, M. & Deci, E. (2005). Self-determination theory and work motivation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, 331-362. (For personal use).

Patall, E.A., Cooper, H., Robinsons, J. C. (2008). The Effects of choice on intrinsic motivation and related outcomes: A meta-analysis of research outcomes. Psychological Bulletin. 134 (2), 270-300.

Thomas, K. W. (2002). Intrinsic Motivation at Work: Building Energy and Commitment. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

A wide array of publications on Self-Determination Theory.

Images: Use of all photos except the Self-Motivation Building Blocks was purchased from IStockPhoto.

Brain Gears
Dollars Fly Concept
Keys to Success

The Self-Motivation Building Blocks image is used by permission from Eleanor Chin.


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Monday, March 21, 2011

Inilah 30 Orang Pengusaha Online yang Sukses Dalam Umur 30 Tahun Kebawah

Inilah 30 Orang Pengusaha Online yang Sukses Dalam Umur 30 Tahun Kebawah (Part-1) 

Internet memang tidak henti-hentinya mencetak millioner baru, dan tahukah anda… kebanyakan dari mereka adalah pemuda. Menurut situs official Retire at 21, terdapat 30 pengusaha online yang menjadi kaya raya dan berusia dibawah 30. Bahkan ada yang berusia 19 tahun. Hemm… Luar biasa bukan mereka!
Beberapa dari mereka mungkin namanya sudah akrab ditelinga kita. Sebut saja seperti Mark Zuckerberg, sang pemilik dan pencipta Facebook, atau Matt Mullenweg yang merintis situs blog WordPpress. Namun beberapa nama lainnya mungkin masih terdengar asing di telinga kita, tapi toh kreasi online mereka telah mengubah dunia kita menjadi lebih baik. Sudah sepatutnya kita belajar dari apa yang mereka lakukan, syukur-syukur kalau kita meraih sukses dalam bisnis online seperti mereka.
Nah… Siapa saja 30 orang pemuda yang sukses karena internet tersebut ?
Berikut saya coba postingkan daftar 30 orang Pengusaha Online yang sukses dibawah umur 30 tahun (Top Young Entrepreneurs Under 30 th), seperti dikutip dari situs

1. Mark Zuckerberg (25 tahun)


 Mark Zuckerberg, Billioner termuda di dunia dan pemilik situs social networking terbesar di dunia… Facebook. Facebook sekarang menjelma menjadi situs nomor dua yang paling sering dikunjungi didunia setelah Google.

 2. Matt Mullenweg (25 tahun)

Mattew Mullenweg penemu software Blog Engine WordPress. Tanpa Matt, mungkinanda tidak bisa melihat Blog ini sekarang, karena toh situs ini memakai WordPress buatan Matt.
3. Matt Mickiewicz (25 tahun)
Website: dan

 Mickiewicz adalah inspirasi bagi webmaster diseluruh dunia. Website dia telah membantu webmaster untuk belajar tentang web, cara menjual, membeli buku ataupun belajar coding dan membuat background twitter.

4. Ryan Allis (25 tahun)

Ryan baru berumur 25 tahun untuk menjalanakn situs dan servis email marketing yang memperoleh $25,000,000 tahun ini. Dengan pelanggan lebih dari 55,000 yang membayar iuran bulanan, Ryan telah membangun program membership yang sekarang telah memberikannya hasil yang luar biasa.
5.6.7 # Elliott Breece, Joshua Boltuch, & Elias Roman (25 tahun)

AmieStreet adalah situs musik, dimana komunitas yang menentukan harga musik. Setiap lagu di situs start dengan harga rendah, dan terkadang gratis. Kemudian harga akan naik menjadi 98 sen tergantung bagaimana orang membelinya.
8# Blake Ross (24 tahun)

Blake adalah developer Software asal America, dan terkenal karena project Mozilla Firefox. Ketika Firefox dirilis tahun 2004, Ross baru berusia 19 tahun, dan sekarang Firefox telah didownload oleh 100 juta orang.
9. 10# Eric & Susan Gregg Koger (24 & 25 tahun)

Eric dan Susan baru lulus sekolah ketika mereka memulai Modcloth, bisnis baju skala kecil. Sewaktu masuk universitas, pengguna asrama telah membeli baju dari situs mereka. Ketika lulus tahun 2006, bisnis mereka berkembang menjadi sangat pesat.

11# Pete Cashmore (24 tahun)

Pete Cashmore menjalankan situs Mashable, yang menampilkan situs-situs baru apa saja yang muncul di dunia maya. Dengan 1,600,000 Twitter Followers dan 300,000,000 Rss Readers, kita sudah bisa menebak seberapa besar bisnis dia.

12# Neil Patel (24 tahun)
Website: http://www.quicksprout.com

Neil adalah pemilik CrazyEgg dan KISSmetrics yang telah membantu perusahaan seperti AOL, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, dan Viacom menghasilkan uang dari internet. Diusianya yang baru 21, Neil sudah termasuk top 100 blogger oleh Technorati, dan merupakan tokoh berpengaruh untuk perkembangan web menurut Wall Street Journal. Yang membuat Neil berhasil adalah bagaimana beliau membuat situs top dunia mau menglink ke situs dia.
13#  Noah Everett (24 tahun)

Noah penemu TwitPic tumbuh seiring pertumbuhan situs Twiiter dan sekarang menjadi situs 200 teratas menurut Alexa. Hebatnya Noah cuma bekerja dirumah, dimana disanalah dia menempatkan servernya untuk melayani jutaan pages views disitusnya perhari.
14# Shama Kabani (24 tahun)

Shama adalah master online marketing. Dia adalah president Click To Client, perusahaan service web marketing, dan telah berkeliling dunia untuk bicara tentang internet marketing.

15# Sean Belnick (23 tahun)

Sean adalah pengusaha sejati. Di usia 14 tahun, beliau mengunci diri sendiri dikamar dan 3 hari kemudian bisnis Sean dimulai. Sekarang dia telah memiliki penghasilan diatas $50.000.000 dari hasil penjualan kursi secara online.

Itulah daftar 15 orang pertama dari 30 orang pebisnis online yang menjadi kaya dalam usia 30tahun kebawah. 15 orang lainnya akan saya berikan dalam postingan selanjutnya. Anda tahu… 15 orang berikutnya tersebut adalah orang-orang yang sangat luar biasa, karena mereka mampu menjadi sukses dalam usia yang lebih muda daripada 15 orang yang telah disebutkan diatas.

Kita berharap orang-orang ini mampu menginspirasi dan mendorong kita agar mampu meraih kesuksesan di jalur online. Sehingga kita pun tidak akan bingung untuk mencari kerja kesana-kemari di dunia offline, karena di dunia online pun kita bisa lebih mudah mendapatkan (bahkan memiliki) sebuah pekerjaan yang sangat menggiurkan dan menantang. Dan satu yang terpenting… kesuksesan mereka adalah suatu bukti nyata bahwa internet mampu memberikan kita kesuksesan. Bekerja di internet.. meski dilakukan di dunia maya, namun hasil yang didapatkan adalah nyata, sama halnya dengan kalau kita bekerja di dunia nyata. Bahkan di internet mungkin hasilnya akan lebih besar dan lebih mudah.

Nah.. bagaimana pendapat anda? Kira-kira diumur berapa anda ingin mulai membangun kesuksesan di dalam dunia online? Kesempatan masih sangat terbuka lebar untuk memulainya seiring bertambahnya pengguna internet… Untuk itu berikan pendapat anda di kolom komentar.

Dan tunggu postingan berikutnya… saya yakin 15 orang yang akan saya sebutkan nanti akan mampu meningkatkan spirit kita untuk mulai memilih bisnis online sebagai ladang pekerjaan yang sangat potensial.
Keep ACTION..!!

 Source :

Slippery When Wet (1986–87)

Slippery When Wet (1986–87)

In April 1986 Bon Jovi moved to Vancouver to record their third album.[8] Six months of studio work resulted in Slippery When Wet. The album, produced by Bruce Fairbairn and mixed by Bob Rock, was released in August 1986 and became Bon Jovi's breakthrough album. The first single, "You Give Love a Bad Name", became the band's first #1 single on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 singles charts. The follow-up single, "Livin' on a Prayer" hit #1 as well, spending four weeks at the top position, both co-written with a young virtually unknown songwriter named Desmond Child (b. John Charles Barrett, 28 October 1953, Gainesville, Florida, USA) whose songwriting talents were recommended by KISS frontman, Paul Stanley. The songwriting partnership of Jon Bon Jovi/ Richie Sambora/ Desmond Child has continued to the present day. The album's third single "Wanted Dead or Alive" was a major Top 10 hit and still remains to this day, the Bon Jovi "National Anthem".

MTV wholeheartedly embraced Bon Jovi, whose camera friendly good looks and live concert videos helped catapult the band into superstardom. With the overwhelming success of Slippery When Wet Bon Jovi had become the worldwide musical superstars they had been dreaming of. Slippery When Wet reached number one in Australia, Canada, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Switzerland and holds the record for the most weeks for a hard rock album at #1 in U.S., spending 8 weeks at #1 on Billboard 200. The album also hit the Top 10 in Austria, the Netherlands, Japan, and the United Kingdom, spending 107 weeks on UK Albums Chart.

In 1987, Slippery When Wet was named the top selling album of the year by Billboard[9] and "Livin' On A Prayer" won an MTV Video Music Award for Best Stage Performance.[10] In 1988, the band also won an award for Favorite Pop/Rock Band at the American Music Awards[11] and an award for Favorite Rock Group at the People's Choice Awards.[12]

When Slippery When Wet was released in August 1986, Bon Jovi was the support act for 38 Special. By the end of 1986, Bon Jovi were well into six months of headline dates in arenas across America. In August 1987, the band headlined England's "Monsters of Rock" festival. During their set Dee Snider, Bruce Dickinson and Paul Stanley joined the band to perform "We're an American Band". The band ended the year having headlined 130 shows in the "Tour Without End", grossing $28,400,000.

Jon Bon Jovi was asked what all this astronomical success meant, to which he answered, "Everything is bigger, and it moves twice as fast. You're recognized twice as often. This is bigger, the whole world gets bigger. You have to sell more records, be huger. You get smarter and you understand the business a little more, so it's more responsibility. You understand it now, and you want to make sure everything goes right".
Following the group’s success, Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora were asked to assist in producing Cher’s ‘comeback’ self-titled album in 1987. Jon and Richie co-wrote and sang backing vocals on Cher’s single "We All Sleep Alone" and also produced several other tracks on the album, later going on to co-produce Cher’s multi-platinum album Heart of Stone in 1989.


Bon Jovi Early years (1984–85)

Early years (1984–85)
Once the band began playing showcases and opening for local talent, they caught the attention of record executive Derek Shulman, who signed them to Mercury Records and who was part of the PolyGram company. Because Jon Bon Jovi wanted a group name, Pamela Maher, a friend of Richard Fischer and an employee of Doc McGhee, suggested they call themselves Bon Jovi, following the example of the other famous two word bands such as Van Halen. This name was chosen instead of the original idea of Johnny Electric. Pamela's suggestion of the name was met with little enthusiasm, but two years later they hit the charts under that name.

Cover art for Runaway.

With the help of their new manager Doc McGhee they recorded the band's debut album, Bon Jovi, which was released on January 21, 1984. The album included the band's first hit single, "Runaway", reaching Top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 followed by "She Don't Know Me" which was a song Mercury requested Jon record and include on the album as part of his deal. To date, that song remains the only track that has ever been included on a Bon Jovi album for which Jon does not have any writing credit.
The group found themselves opening for Scorpions in U.S. and for Kiss in Europe. In August of 1984 the band made an appearance at the Super Rock Festival as a special guest in Japan. However, "Runaway" became a hit and Bon Jovi attracted the attention in Japan. Bon Jovi got the very first gold disc for their first album in Japan. The album peaked at #43 on the Billboard 200 album chart in U.S. and a year after its release, it was certified Gold by RIAA.

In 1985, Bon Jovi's second album 7800° Fahrenheit was released. The band released three singles "Only Lonely", "In And Out Of Love" and the ballad "Silent Night". The album peaked at #37 on Billboard 200 and certified Gold in U.S. While the album did not do as well as they'd hoped in terms of sales, it allowed Bon Jovi to get out on the road touring again. Their first Japanese performances as headliner which had been done immediately after the release of the album and eight shows in total became sold-out all, and the album hit the Top 5 and certified Gold in Japan.

In May 1985, Bon Jovi headlined venues in UK and Europe. 7800 Fahrenheit peaked at #28 in UK and #40 in Germany. At the end of the European tour, the band began a 6-month run of U.S. tourdates supporting Ratt. In the midst of that tour they managed to make appearances at the Texas Jam and Castle Donnington's Monsters of Rock concerts in England. Jon Bon Jovi also did a solo appearance at the very first Farm Aid in 1985.


The Legend Of Rock

Bon Jovi is an American hard rock band from Sayreville, New Jersey. Formed in 1983, Bon Jovi consists of lead singer and namesake 'Jon Bon Jovi' (John Francis Bongiovi, Jr.), guitarist Richie Sambora, keyboardist David Bryan, drummer Tico Torres as well as current bassist Hugh McDonald.[1] The band's line-up has remained mostly static during their history, the only exception being the departure of Alec John Such in 1994, who was unofficially replaced by Hugh McDonald. The band became known for writing several rock anthems, and achieved widespread recognition with their third album Slippery When Wet, released in 1986. After touring and recording non-stop during the late 1980s, the band went on hiatus after the New Jersey Tour in 1990, during which time Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora both released successful solo albums. In 1992, the band returned with the album Keep the Faith. Their 2000 single "It's My Life", which followed a second hiatus, successfully introduced the band to a younger audience. Bon Jovi have been known to use different styles in their music, which has included country for their 2007 album Lost Highway. Their latest album, The Circle, was released on 10 November 2009 in the United States.

Throughout their career, the band have released eleven studio albums, three compilation albums and one live album, and have sold 130 million records worldwide.[2] They have performed more than 2,600 concerts in over 50 countries for more than 34 million fans,[3] and were inducted into the UK Music Hall of Fame in 2006.[4] The band was also honored with the Award of Merit at the American Music Awards in 2004,[5] and as songwriters and collaborators, Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora inducted into Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2009.[6][7] On September 28, 2010, Bon Jovi was nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but on December 15, 2010 it was announced that Bon Jovi did not make it.

Formation (1982–83)

 Jon Bon Jovi
Tico Torres
David Bryan
Jon Bon Jovi began playing piano and guitar in 1975 at thirteen with his first band 'Raze'. At the age of sixteen Bon Jovi met David Bryan and formed the 12-piece cover band Atlantic City Expressway. They played New Jersey clubs even though they were minors. Still in his teens, Bon Jovi played in the band John Bongiovi and the Wild Ones, playing local clubs like "The Fast Lane" and opening for known acts in the area. By 1980, he formed another band, "The Rest", and opened up for New Jersey acts such as Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes.

By mid-1982, out of school and working part time in a women's' shoe store, Jon Bon Jovi took a job at the Power Station Studios, a Manhattan recording facility where his cousin Tony Bongiovi was co-owner. Bon Jovi made several demos – including one produced by Billy Squier – and sent them to record companies but failed to make an impact. His first professional recording was lead vocal in "R2-D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas," which was part of the Christmas in the Stars album which his cousin co-produced.
Bon Jovi visited the local radio station WAPP 103.5FM "The Apple" in Lake Success, New York. He spoke directly to the promotion director John Lassman, who accepted the song "Runaway" for inclusion on the station's compilation album of local homegrown talent. Bon Jovi was initially reluctant but eventually gave them the song on which Bon Jovi had used studio musicians to play on the track "Runaway". The studio musicians who helped record "Runaway" – known as The All Star Review – were guitarist Tim Pierce, keyboardist Roy Bittan, drummer Frankie LaRocka, and bassist Hugh McDonald.

The song began to get airplay in the New York area, then other sister stations in major markets picked up the song. In March 1983 Bon Jovi called David Bryan, who in turn called bassist Alec John Such (b. Alec John Such, November 14, 1952, Yonkers, New York, USA) ex-Phantom's Opera and an experienced drummer named Tico Torres. Tapped to play lead guitar was Bon Jovi's neighbor, Dave Sabo (a.k.a. The Snake) who later formed the group Skid Row. Sabo was eventually replaced by Richie Sambora (b. Richard Stephen Sambora, July 11, 1959, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA). Before joining the group, Sambora had toured with Joe Cocker, played with a group called Mercy and had been called up to audition for Kiss. He also played on the album Lessons with the band Message, which was re-released on CD through Long Island Records in 1995. Message was originally signed to Led Zeppelin's Swan Song Records label, although the album was never released.

Tico Torres was also an experienced musician, having recorded and played live with Phantom's Opera, The Marvelettes, and Chuck Berry. He appeared on 26 records and had recently recorded with Franke and the Knockouts, a Jersey band with hit singles during the early 1980s.
David Bryan had quit the band he and Bon Jovi founded in order to study medicine. While in college, he realized he wanted to pursue music full-time and was accepted to Juilliard School, a New York music school. When Bon Jovi called his friend and said he was putting together a band and a record deal looked likely, Bryan followed Bon Jovi's lead and gave up his studies.


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